Frequently Asked Questions
SubJapan is a volunteer organization that organizes events in Oslo. Our goal is to create a relaxed setting where Japanese people, as well as those interested in Japan, can establish new friendships, share experiences and expand their network.
SubJapan was established in 2014 by Per Gunnar Paulsen (PG), Paul Mikaelsen and Nina Mikaelsen.
The name ”Henge会en” comes from the Norwegian word ”henge”, which means ”to hang out” and the japanese word ”会” (kai) which means gathering or group. Put together, they almost become the Norwegian word ”hengekøyen”! This describes the concept of Henge会en well, as this is where you can come hang out in a relaxed atmosphere together with Japanese people and others interested in Japan. It’s the perfect place to make new friends, expand your network, practice Japanese and hang out with like minded people.
Our events are all free, but Sub Scene serves the best coffee and tastiest milkshakes in town, so make sure you try them out!
There is only registration for special events such as for example ”Språk喫茶” (language café). Otherwise we’d like it if you could click ”Going” on our Facebook-events so we know roughly how many people will come!
You’re free to come regardless of your Norwegian/Japanese proficiency. At our language café events you’ll be able to choose your proficiency level on the registration form and will be placed together with one or more language partners that match your level.
As of now, there are no online events, but we will keep this website updated if any online event takes place.
At our language café you can register through a form in advance, and be placed in a group or with another language partner based on what language you’d like to practice, proficiency level and age. During the event you begin by talking in one language, then change into another language approx. every 30 minutes until the event is over.